Quizzes: Assessments for Business Owners, Leaders and Managers

In order to create an effective corrective action plan, it is crucial to understand the true issues — not just the symptoms.
Many times as business owners, we tend to focus on the things we can "see", rather than what is really important — the underlying cause.
Two patients can approach their doctor with a fever and a headache, but there are many different causes for these symptoms. A highly skilled physician will know what questions to ask to provide a diagnosis, and then will prescribe a treatment plan that fits.
The same is true for businesses.
Over my decades of experience working with businesses, I have developed the right questions to ask to get to the root cause of a problem.
The assessments and quizzes provided on this page are some simple tools you can use on your own to get a basic understanding of where you and your business stand.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.Peter Drucker