I was recently asked the question, "What are some of the best books about leadership and business management you would recommend for business owners, leaders, managers and executives?"
That was both a simple and difficult question to answer. It's easy because there are so many valuable books I believe every person who wants to be a better leader should read. The hard part was narrowing it down to ten, and trying to come up with some type of "must read" order.
Instead, I put together a list of the first books that came to mind — off the top of my head.
Because the very fact that they were the ones I immediately thought of demonstrates how powerful the lessons they teach are. While not all of them are specifically about business management, they do contain information that is relevant for aspiring business owners, leaders, managers and CEOs.
So, without further ado, in no particular order...
Dan's Top 12 Business Management Books - Round 1
Bonus: I've included links to videos, so you can get a feel for the authors and the books
Five P's to a Wow Business: An Easy-To-Understand, Easy-To-Implement, Practical Guide to Business Success
by Bill Matthews
► Listen to Bill Matthews & Dave Sullivan talk about the Path to Wow
Leading Change: An Action Plan from the World's Foremost Expert on Business Leadership
by John P. Kotter
► John Kotter on Change Management vs. Change Leadership
The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done
by Peter F. Drucker
► Marshall Goldsmith on Drucker's 5 Most Important Questions
Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy
by Michael C Munger
► Watch Michael's Duke University lecture on Tomorrow 3.0
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking
by Susan Cain
► Watch Susan's TedTalk on the power of introverts
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
by Michael E. Gerber
► Watch Michael's keynote lecture on the e-myth
The Definitive Drucker: Challenges for Tomorrow's Executives — Final Advice from the Father of Modern Management
by Elizabeth Haas Edersheim
► Video Bio - Peter Drucker: An Enduring Legacy
Lessons from Private Equity Any Company Can Use
by Orit Gadiesh and Hugh Macarthur
► Watch Orit talk about "operating in the unfamiliar"
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
by Malcolm Gladwell
► Watch Malcolm Gladwell interview on The Tipping Point
Pricing on Purpose: Creating and Capturing Value
by Ronald J. Baker
► Ron Baker talks about "what customers buy"
Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls
by Noel M. Tichy and Warren G. Bennis
► Author Noel Tichy discusses the judgement framework
Preserve the Value: A Novel/Guide to Successfully Integrate an Acquisition
by Michael P. Gendron
► Book includes useful charts and templates
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